Tag Archives: brisket burrito

Brisket Burrito, anyone?

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Leftover brisket from Meyer’s Elgin Smokehouse… check.  Habanero peach BBQ sauce… check.  BBQ rub… check.  Sounds like the makings of a brisket burrito to me!  Let’s get started… I apologize for the crappy cell phone cameras.  It’s all I had with me at work.

Burrito-sized tortilla

Burrito-sized tortilla

Diced brisket

Diced brisket

BBQ sauce -- this is peach habanero sauce

BBQ sauce -- this is peach habanero sauce, also courtesy of Meyer's Elgin Smokehouse

Your favorite rub.  I used C-Dub's BBQ Rub

Your favorite rub. I used C-Dub's BBQ Rub. It's my work emergency stash!

Take one tortilla shell…  add meat…

The start of a beautiful friendship...

The start of a beautiful friendship...

Add some rub, some sauce, and some cheese…

Almost there...

Almost there...

Roll it up… and just for the heck of it, garnish with more sauce and leftover brisket.

The finished product... TA-DA!

The finished product... TA-DA!

And there ya go!  If you have any rice, you can add that to your fillings as well.  It’s pretty much limited by your imagination and what you have handy.